Warning Signs of Wisdom Tooth Trouble

Unfortunately problems with our wisdom teeth is one of the most common, painful and disruptive oral health issue that we experience in our lives. Therefore it is important that you know the warning signs of a troublesome wisdom tooth so you can identify the issue as early as possible. Thankfully the treatment is relatively simple with outright results, and as a result of this; the removal of a wisdom tooth is the most common procedure carried out in the UK.

I am going to talk you through some of the most common symptoms of wisdom tooth pain, the complications they can cause as well as the treatment routes to prevent the pain or remove it entirely.

Maybe you are experiencing a pain that you think might trace back to the furthest corner in your mouth, or maybe you’re curious. Either way, I hope this blog post can help you on your way.

Wisdom Teeth 101

Your wisdom teeth are found at the back of your gums, and are often referred to as your third molars. Most adults have 32 teeth, including 4 wisdom teeth, one in each corner of your mouth and are the last teeth to come through, if they come through at all.

They normally grow (erupt) through between the ages of 17 to 21 and can often cause issues because there simply isn’t enough room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to grow properly. Due to this lack of space the teeth can come through at an angle or only partially push through the gum. This is what is known as impacted wisdom teeth, and more often than not these impacted wisdom teeth will need removed.

When To See A Dentist

If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort from your wisdom teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will be able to check your teeth and advise you on further treatment and whether they will need to be removed or not.

Wisdom Teeth Warning Signs

Not all wisdom teeth will cause problems, even if they are impacted it might be painless, and you will only need to visit the dentist if pain arises.

Symptoms that mean you should visit the dentist include

  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Throbbing or aching pain in the back of your mouth
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Pain around the jaw or ear on that side of your face
  • Headaches

Problems Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

As mentioned not all wisdom teeth will cause pain or problems.However, some impacted wisdom teeth that haven’t fully broken through the surface of the gum can cause problems with your dental care further than just pain. This is normally due to food and bacteria getting trapped around the edges and crevices caused by the breaking of the gum, which is turn causes infection and decay.

  • Gum Disease (gingivitis)
    This happens when the plaque releases toxins that irritate your gums making them red, swollen and cause bleeding.
  • Tooth Decay
    Due to the plaque developing from the trapped food and bacteria, wisdom tooth problems can cause tooth decay as the plaque breaks down the enamel on the surface of the tooth, causing cavities.
  • Pericoronitis
    This is when the soft tissue around the tooth because infected from the plaque and can dangerously spread to the throat or the neck.
  • Cellulitis
    This is a bacterial infection in the cheek, tongue or throat
  • Abscesses
    These can occur when pus collects in your wisdom teeth, or the surrounding tissue caused by bacterial infection
  • Cysts
    Less commonly cysts can develop from a wisdom tooth not pushing through the gum properly